"Though we keep company with Cats and Dogs": Onomatopoeia, Glossolalia and Happiness in the Work of Lyn Hejinian and Giorgio Agamben.
I recently published an article on the work of Lyn Hejinian and Giorgio Agamben in Jacket Magazine. Take a look at it here: "Though we keep company with Cats and Dogs": Onomatopoeia, Glossolalia and Happiness in the Work of Lyn Hejinian and Giorgio Agamben. It fuses together some central elements of Agamben's work on the poetic word, and Hejinian's provocative theory of happiness. Effectively Agamben's conceptualisation of poetry as a potential modality for an alternate form of life as thinking breaks down into the study of four elements. 1. the poetic word (onomatopoeia, glossolalia, xenoglossia, the semiotic and naming) 2. Enjambement 3. Caesura 4. Structure/Rhythm, what I call projective recursion Placed together these form the basis for what I call logopoiesis in my most recent work, that is what has been called elsewhere by Heidegger and Badiou, poetic thinking. I think now there is material on all four elements posted on the blog in relation to various conte...