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Showing posts from January, 2017

Truth, is nothing more than a selfie of our own prejudices

We are suffering from #Factobesity leaving us too exhausted to check facts anymore, so we just click 'Share'

Truths hold true, whatever the facts. Facts, however, let you down when a more attractive new fact comes along.


...IT'S A BIT POST-TRUTHY FEATURES JAN 11, 2017 Here's my piece for The Big Issue Wordsmith and philosopher William Watkin lets the facts get in the way of a good story Chav, Sudoku, bovvered, carbon footprint, credit crunch, simples, big society, squeezed middles, omnishambles, selfies, vape, tears of joy emoji: these are all the WOTYs since WOTYs began. The Word of the Year is an annual opportunity for the tweedy lexicographers of The Oxford English Dictionary to encapsulate the spirit of the year past. With each of these WOTYs we swell our vocabularies by learning the meaning of an additional word we all already knew the meaning of, so more of a communal one-word conversation on what this year was all about. And what was 2016 all about? Brexit, Trump and Lies, which the OED summarised as post-truth. Of all WOTYs, post-truth seems the least frothy. “Post-truth,” they say, “is an adjective relating to or den...