I have been of the opinion for some years now that the future of philosophy and theory in general lies in the decision between the philosophical system of Agamben and Badiou around the use of indifference in both their works. More than this a second comment is relevant which is that it is Agamben's critique of Derrida and his modification of Foucault that needs to be taken into account in contrast to Badiou's more compact critique and modification of Deleuze. This is not to ignore the centrality of Deleuze to Agamben's philosophical archaelogy and his comments on potentiality which are mappable onto Deleuze's virtual but with significant modifications.
All in all what I mean is that we are now heading into an 'immanentist' century that moves away from the post-transcendental valorization of difference/alterity typical of Levinas, Derrida and all those philosophies of otherness and ethics that they spawned.
This being the case anything that gets us to think in more detail the relations between immanentist philosophers is essential to guide us as we enter into a post-difference age which I am calling the age of indifference. Top marks to anyone who gets that reference. And so the Besana's review of Roffe's commentary on Badiou's critique of Deleuze is an interesting and potentially important document. Check it out here: