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From "thirsty poems"

central europe

here in central europe/the earth gets stuck in restlessness/heaving like the sobbers do/levelling a good few towns some cities also/

and here in central europe/the water got exhausted/and vagrant fishes must grow lungs bloody quick/and make their useless ways/

then there is this place in centralised europe where/the vertebrate forest got crippled/hobbling and groaning the trees/look to each other for support/hindering their journeying immeasurably/

whilst in centring europe/the weaver’s hands are crimpéd crampéd/and this weaver’s specular eye is blind/so the shuttle roams unmonitored/weaving lots of the little miscellaneous bits/into the brave broad sweep of clouds/bedraped with fabric of wildest beauty and strength/

wild wild beauty lay me down/kiss me on the mouth in central europe/wrapped in cloth of warp so soft so fragrant/-flagrantly so-/doused in juice off of vines/and whose weft (which once wept/bereft) sparkles under cuckoo spit/and a bold seam of gold/unearthed amidst the glory of coal/in the middle of the mid-mid-lands/of mid-land europe/

in central europe the scissors lie blunted/and our children’s growth stays stunted/whilst the bright trains of yesteryear/rot/where they have been shunted/up/in central europe/

in central europe the stone walls lie lain low/and our kids’ ideas stray off from the main flow/whilst the polished rock pathways of last/week’s/burning summer know not where to go/to/in central europe/

in central europe the sticky sap stews untasted/and our off-spring’s bold artistic visions seem now wasted/and the meat which we struck down/this minute past/shies away and then rejects the stock in which is was to be basted/in/in central europe/

in central europe/
on central europe/
at central europe/

I am charging at central europe/am charging central europe/down/I am charging (you) for central europe/in the navel area of europe/the axial position of this continental plate called “europe”/in the designated geographical locale:/central (europe) in the fairly central/location/of the large territory described:/europe—unified geographically (slightly)/economically (nearly)/ religiously (tragically)/linguistically (grammatically)/historically (violently)/ culturally (hardly)/racially (not at all totally)/artistically (pretty famously)/ energetically (though not always successfully in the big arenas used annually)/ in nato(sic)lly (provisionally)/

we dare to call a place which is not a place at all or if it is only so because a large sword was forced through the abdomen of a woman and her children raped and left for dead for an outside agency whom everyone feared and furiously courted and who was always interfering because they mistook malicious meddling for being a world power whatever that means what americans call “policing” I believe or limited skirmishes or because sheer horror and ferocity of internal racial hatred and patricide forced so called natural and historical borders onto blank topoi or even occasionally for less motivated reasons such as when certain let’s face it truly remarkable and inspiring geographical features arise to cut up the land such as the grand gothicisim of the carpathians or the little known pastoral calm of the bug river and for once the whole business got settled relatively peacefully which was welcome change and yet the only thing that binds us
really binds us
is our hating being bound up into packages and then associated with that lot over there or worse in here with us on our land but still an identity formed from millennia of atrocities is a universal and lasting formula elsewhere and also here:



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